Facebook cornered by… the market!

During recent years, not rarely, Facebook, the social media giant, has been the focus of investigation, scrutiny and serious pressure. The reason is traditionally the management of personal data and in particular their use for advertising purposes. In all such cases though, it was national and regional institutional regulators exerting the pressure, acting in the…

Transparency and its tools

The publishing of the list of the media and the amounts of money distributed to them through the promotion of the “We Stay Home” advertising campaign by the Minister and Greek Government Spokesman, Mr. S. Petsas, brought to the surface an old but serious issue. This issue is none other than the lack of a…

Privacy, private space and the media

Two opposing trends characterize the 2020 everyday life if we look at it from the perspective of privacy. On the one hand, there is the need to grow our private space having safety as the major criterion. Whether we are talking about everyone’s own workplace, or – above all – the private space that defines…

Nomophobia & recharching

Nomophobia (NO MObile Phone PHoBIA): fear or worry at the idea of being without your mobile phone or unable to use it. Believe it or not, this is not an empty neologism, but an officially recognized psychological disorder. The most difficult thing to digest is that reading the symptoms will make it difficult not to…

Tiktok, Facebook and the new role of media

We recently turned our attention to the peculiar boycott decided by large multinational companies to control political advertising and hate speech in facebook ads. The new chapter in this extremely interesting story is the campaign that recently ran through facebook ads by Donald Trump’s election campaign, which attacks (Chinese) TikTok accusing the app of “spying” on Americans by…

“Black Lives Matter” movement highlights new kol profile

The so-called Key Opinion Leaders (KOLs) play a key role in the communication process. It is their opinion, point of view or position that is considered to influence public opinion. The reason for their influence springs from two different sources. One is the authority, the specialized knowledge that everyone admits that a KOL possesses. For…

Bad (?) Publicity

The flood of publicity during the last 24 hours around what – extreme indeed – happened in the Greek version of the TV show “big brother” brings to surface a classic communication aphorism: “There is no such thing as bad publicity”. The cliché implies that even publicity associated with negative comments, ie publicity for negative…

The social media universal penetration and the priority of awareness

According to the annual survey of socialmediatoday.com, social media users worldwide have reached 3.8 billion, a number that almost amounts to half the population of the planet! Certainly, the conditions that developed throughout 2020, and especially the universal adoption of social distancing, further helped the development and penetration of social media across the globe. But the…

Communication strategy redefined

With a new lockdown looming and social distancing measures intensifying almost on a daily basis, it is clear that business strategies, and – as far as we are concerned – communication should once again be redefined. Instinct usually leads to the tried and tested solution. In our case, this will logically lead to an immediate…

The flip side

In our previous post we talked about the need and importance of adjustments. In order for an organization to choose the most appropriate direction for its new strategy, tools are needed. One of the most traditional and timeless effective tools of this type is the market poll. Through such tools one can detect trends that…