Deep fake reality

A few days ago, the deeptomcrouse account in TikTok went viral for the fidelity of the fake videos of the famous movie-star uploaded to the popular platform. Objections were quickly recorded about how easily one can now present something fake in such a plausible way that you cannot distinguish it from the original version. Of course, the creator himself may have defended his work by claiming that it took hours…

Social media and self-regulation

One of the fundamental issues on which social media is criticized is the extent to which children who use it can be exposed to various forms of «attacks». This risk is exacerbated by the increasing degree to which children today, because of the conditions imposed by the pandemic, are exposed to the digital world on a daily…

Facebook as political factor

When the news of the hard clash between Facebook and the Australian government fell in our radar last month, many were taken by surprise. A bill aimed at forcing the popular platform to pay the Australian media for reproducing their content was met with an unprecedented boycott: any news from Australia disappeared from Facebook and Australian media content was not visible…

Clubhouse competitors and the need to listen

We recently discussed the prospect of the success of Clubhouse. What seems to be fostering this success is the steady increase in the popularity of audio experience, according to the Washington Post. Whether it is music – global music streaming revenue hit all-time classic – or podcasts, it seems that people need to listen to…

Journalism ethics and it’s price

In any journalistic code of ethics one can easily find the basic principles that govern the profession: pursuit of truth, cross-referencing of information, independence, public criticism, story presentation by analogy and many more are considered prerequisites for a reliable journalism. It is more difficult to find a record of what the price is for adhering…

Freedom of press: Going backwards

The publication of Reporters Without Borders’ latest report on press freedom unfortunately came to confirm what we have been discussing recently from this corner. According to the annual ranking, Greece lost 5 spots in 2020, ending up being 70th among 180 countries. Of course, because numbers alone say nothing, it is good to see a…

The right way to communicate

What could the unfortunate quote of the financial adviser of the Greek Prime Minister, Alexis Patelis, regarding PhD holders have in common with the thoughts expressed during the same days in the Wall Street Journal’s CEO Council Summit? Probably a lot more than you can imagine! Because at the time when the Greek politician stated…

Diabetes quiz academy: awareness in 21st century!

As a rule, there is no greater motivation for work than the work itself. In other words, to feel that you are working on something important and interesting, something that helps you develop you professionally. This is exactly the case with the digital educational platform Diabetes Quiz Academy of the Panhellenic Federation of Associations of…

Crisis management communication – The AZ vaccine case

The case of the vaccination for covid-19 and the now infamous side effects of the AstraZeneca vaccine, presents a particularly interesting case study for the communication in crises management. The crisis here lies in the fact that on the one hand there is a great need for people to be vaccinated to achieve a significant…

Influencer marketing skyrocketing

We often resort to surveys and statistics to be able to evaluate a situation, a perspective, a choice. The «cold» truth of numbers is a much more reliable ally than any subjective assumption no matter how thorough the latter. And it is true that the numbers are sometimes so impressive that they do not leave…