Social media and freedom of speech: an ongoing debate

At a time when both locally and internationally, the hearths of public controversy are multiplying daily, the role of social media is becoming more and more central and the dialogue around freedom of speech more relevant than ever. On the one hand, the ability to express oneself freely is certainly a cornerstone and a prerequisite…

Who are Social Media killing?

The dialogue was very short and crystal-clear: Reporter: «On Covid misinformation, what’s your message to platforms like Facebook?» Biden: «They’re killing people» What the US president means is that the way social media works favours misinformation and lies, thus fuelling conspiracy theories and hurting the global effort to promote vaccination. A Facebook spokesman responded by…

Where China & Instagram agree!

On the same day, two stories were published presenting initiatives on the same topic, approaching it, however, from as different perspectives as… day and night! On the one hand, Instagram announced that in order to better protect young users, it will ask all users who’ve not previously entered their date of birth to do so…

Facebook comments and the Australian “bomb”!

A recent ruling by the High Court in Australia sets the – already hot – field of legal liability for defamatory comments on Facebook on fire! According to the ruling, in some circumstances, the Australian media outlets could be held liable for user comments left on their respective Facebook Pages. The goal, according to an…

Internet, Freedom and Rules

If our recent post seemed… far-fetched for the practice and operation of social media in our country, maybe we should think again. We may not have had developments in the legal framework for comments under posts, however, yesterday there were news that certainly rekindle the debate over the limits of freedom of expression on the…

Is stricter regulation for influencer marketing closer?

At a time when childhood obesity is internationally recognized as a scourge and is a problem with augmented proportions in our country, the effort to regulate the advertising of unhealthy products seems insufficient, while in the field of influencer marketing through social media things are even worse! According to the very interesting report by Giannis…

Is Metaverse the internet’s tomorrow?

How would like being able to try on clothes or test drive a new car in a purely digital environment? It seems that the parallel development of VR technology and the speed of connectivity really bring together such “futuristic” possibilities that until recently were identified with science fiction. This is certainly not the first time…