In crisis management training, the theoretical part often revolves around case studies to highlight with real examples the importance of a wrong or a right choice.
We do not know yet what kind of case study the recent accident at Allou Fun Park will be in the future. Nor does it make sense from our perspective to discuss the essence of the case. On the one hand, we do not know the technical details and on the other, it is not that important when assessing the management of any crisis from a communication standpoint.
Certainly, however, what is worth pointing out is the importance of the first response in any crisis management project, because it determines a lot. In this case, then, we have to note that the outside observer is left with the impression that from the first moment there is public confrontation going on as to who was to blame for the accident.
And as long as this confrontation is in the front stage, surely – and regardless of the legal/criminal course of the case – the side of the popular amusement park is not scoring any points in the public perception. And we must not forget that everything in our world is a matter of perception…